Not available because there is no document open. Finds another bookmark. Not available because there is no document open. Displays the Find dialog box, so that you can search for bookmarks. Not available because no, or more than one, bookmark is selected. Edits the selected bookmark. Not available because there is no document open. Selects all bookmarks in the active window. Not available because no text or bookmarks are selected. Deletes selected bookmarks. Not available because the Clipboard is empty. Pastes bookmarks or text from the Clipboard after the selected bookmark or at the end if nothing is selected. Not available because no text or bookmarks are selected. Copies selected bookmarks to the Clipboard. Not available because no text or bookmarks are selected. Deletes bookmarks and places them in the Clipboard. Undo is not available. Undo the last command. Not available because there is no document open. Edit Menu Use this menu to edit or find bookmarks.